The outbreak will cause two significant changes in the world. First, it will be the economic system and secondly will be human behaviours. The economic area will have affected so much capitalism. However, this process will haven’t collapse capitalism, on the contrary, it will have won more refreshment. Because it loves chaos than other everything. As you know, chaos also always worships money. In other words, win-win.
Moreover, we haven’t gone out because of the outbreak. Almost every day we have been doing the same things. Some people have been working at home. A few countries have applied lockdown. Therefore, recently there were so many divorce cases. Couples couldn’t tolerate each other. Especially it seems in China this situation. Because there was a long-time lockdown in that place. Can we get used to staying at home? Humankind always prefers freedom. Once upon a time, we had sacrificed a lot of things for freedom. No longer we should permission he is leaving.
As a result, both capitalism and human behaviours will be rearranged if outbreak finishes. Capitalism will become more powerful. People will seek to continue their freedom. You should be no longer silent for future yourself. Every person must have a good education and health service. We are very strong together.
The final say, I hope this outbreak finish soon.
PhD, Nurulllah GÜNGÖR