Islamic Law is a legal system based on revelation as well as it has a lot in common with the modern legal system. On the other hand, social contract theory examines both individuals and the public. He is also the founder of the culture of coexistence. Both Islamic law and social contract theory have developed a common understanding. It examines and directs the integrity of human beings. Islam’s dignified people-oriented approach, Islamic law’s view of social contract theory, its relevance with this theory and perception of governance are of a unique character. On the other hand, the existence of a state administration model in Islam is discussed. However, at different times, states that accepted the Islamic perspective have been established.
On the other hand, “Social Contract Theory” is not included in the Islamic state administration. Thomas Hobbes, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, developed the social contract theory and John Lock (in the 17th and 18th centuries) based on constitutional monarchy, liberal democracy and republicanism. Therefore, the Social Contract Theory, which is not included in the Islamic Law literature adversely has been affecting the global conjuncture of Islamic State Administration. In addition, Islamic law has its own epistemology. Islam is based on justice and equality with a multi-dimensional perspective. Islam will be able to express itself with a modern and contemporary management approach. The basis of our study is the relationship between human-human and human-authority, which can be examined under the sub-title Islamic public law. This is related to Islam’s approach to basic human rights and freedoms. Thus, we will be able to define the effect of Islam on the social contract. We will evaluate the management approach of Islamic law. On the other hand, we will bring together western civilization and Islam.
Dr. Nurullah GÜNGÖR